It is with my great pleasure to announce that Professor Ruairi Brugha has joint the IJHPM Editorial Board.
Professor Ruairi Brugha is a medical doctor, public health specialist and head of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
He has 25 years experience in international and national health systems and policy research, in developing countries and Ireland. He spent six years in Africa in the 1980s and 1990s as a clinician, public health specialist and researcher at the district level; and ten years at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where he was Head of the Health Policy Unit 2003-05 and editor of Health Policy and Planning.
He has had several research grants as Principle Investigator from the European Union, Wellcome Trust and bilateral donor agencies, and has published extensively. He coordinated two multi-country research networks: The Global HIV Initiative Research Network (GHIN: and the Connecting Health Research Africa Ireland Consortium (ChRAIC:
He conducts health policy and health systems research, mainly in Africa and Ireland. He has a particular interest in research into human resources for health, both in Ireland and Africa, and was a member of the Global Policy Advisory Council that drafted the global code of practice on health worker migration.
His interests span quantitative research methods (epidemiological study design), qualitative research (especially for policy analysis) and mixed methods studies.
On behalf of the IJHPM Editorial Board members, I would like to warmly welcome him to the IJHPM.
Akram Khayatzadeh-Mahani
IJHPM Editor-in-Chief