What are the publication charges for an article in IJHPM?

IJHPM follows a Gold Open Access business model. IJHPM levies article-processing charges (APCs) for accepted articles. APC ranges between $700-$1500 (USD), plus VAT or local taxes where applicable, depending on the article type. Please find more information here.


Once I have submitted a manuscript, how long can I expect to wait before I hear from the journal, and how much time passes between acceptance and publication of a manuscript?

Submissions are acknowledged promptly by e-mail. All manuscripts submitted to the IJHPM are subject to the peer-review process. Authors can expect to wait about one or two months from the date of submission until receiving the initial journal’s decision (i.e., fast reject or go to peer review process). For manuscripts that are selected for peer review, the length of time between the submission and decision will vary widely (from 6 months to 12 months).


How do I inquire about the status of a manuscript I submitted?

You may check on the status of your submitted manuscripts by visiting our online manuscript processing system at the "login form" and locating your manuscript in your account.


What about the impact factor for IJHPM?

The IJHPM Impact Factor based on WoS JCR 2023 is 4.1!



What is your acceptance rate?

Our acceptance rate for uninvited manuscripts is about 9%.


How often does the journal get published?

The IJHPM is published annually (a continuous issue every year).


How many manuscripts can any author submit?

Authors may submit an unlimited number of articles, provided that all submissions are compatible with our "Guide for Authors". 


Who is on the Journal’s Editorial Board?

View the current list of the IJHPM’s Editorial Board members in the "Journal Info" section. 


I have forgotten my password—how can I retrieve it?

From any “IJHPM.com” page, click on the “Log in” link in the upper right corner of your screen. Then click on the “forgot password” link in the sign-in box that appears. A reset password link will be sent to the e-mail address associated with your account with information for resetting your password. By clicking on the reset password link, a new password will be generated automatically and sent to your email address. 


How can I edit my account information?

Visit "My HOME" to edit or update your account information and user profile. Your options are included: change your password, update your profile information, and view your saved records.


The system doesn’t recognize the email address I enter to retrieve my password.

This is the email you used when you registered for the IJHPM account. If you no longer have access to the email used to create your account, please contact our editorial office ([email protected]) to change your email address and update your password.


I can't remember the e-mail address on my account.

Please do not hesitate to contact the editorial office via [email protected]. We will be happy to help you retrieve your account information ASAP.


Does IJHPM have word limits?

Yes. The word limit differs based on the article type as specified in the IJHPM Guide for Authors. Please note that the abstract, keywords, references, tables, and captions are excluded from the word limit. 


What Endnote style does IJHPM use?

IJHPM uses its own style of note formatting. Cited references and explanatory notes should be presented in one section of consecutively numbered endnotes. Additional information on our note style, along with examples, is available in our "Guide for Authors" section. 


Can I make changes to my manuscript at the proof stage?

Although you will receive proofs from the editorial office before your manuscript is published, the purpose of these proofs is to pick up inaccuracies or typographical errors. You will not be able to make editorial changes (e.g., changes in wording, adding references, etc.) at this stage. Indeed, it is essential that you ensure that the version you submit for publication in IJHPM is your final version.


How can I report a technical problem with the site?

Please contact the editorial office ([email protected]) to report any problems. It is helpful if you can provide the URL you are accessing, the browser and operating system you are using, and any error messages you encounter.


I’m having problems viewing some content on IJHPM.com; Do I need specific programs or plug-ins?

No. You don’t need to install any special program or plug-in. 


How can I find out why I’m not receiving alerts I’ve signed up for?

If you are not receiving your e-mail alerts, check your current settings in your "My HOME" account. You will be able to manage your e-mail preferences from there. 


Is any IJHPM content available via RSS feeds and podcasts or video-casts?

Yes, you can subscribe to the IJHPM RSS and receive all new articles via the RSS feed. We also provide different sorts of podcasts and videocasts. These include summaries of our published articles which are audio recorded. You could also follow IJHPM news and forthcoming events through a variety of social media including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Academia, and ResearchGate. 


What if I want to access IJHPM online from a computer outside the institutional network?

IJHPM is an open-access journal. You can get access to its articles from anywhere in the world without any charge.