I am pleased to announce that Professor Naoki Ikegami has joint the IJHPM Editorial Board. Naoki Ikegami (MD, PhD, MA) is Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Keio School of Medicine, Japan, from which he received his MD and PhD. He also received a Master of Arts degree in health services studies with Distinction from Leeds University (United Kingdom).
During 1990-1991, he was a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and Medical School, and has continued to be a Senior Fellow at Wharton. He is a founding member of interRAI (a non-profit international consortium of researchers and clinicians focused on care planning instruments), and served as a consultant to the WHO and the World Bank.
He is currently President of the Japan Society of Healthcare Administration and sits on various national and state government committees, including the Chair of the Investigative Specialist Sub-committee on Case-mix Based Reimbursement for Chronic Inpatient Care.
On behalf of the IJHPM Editorial Board members, I would like to warmly welcome him to the IJHPM.
Akram Khayatzadeh-Mahani
IJHPM Editor-in-Chief