Can a Well-Being Economy Save Us?

Document Type : Editorial


School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada


The COVID-19 pandemic led many countries to consider reforms to their economic policies, in part to better deal with global warming, mass population migration and displacements, and worsening global inequalities. Some health progressive changes have been made, but the world still confronts the contradiction between economic growth and the need to reduce aggregate global consumption. Well-being economies based on valuing human and planetary health have been proposed as a viable option, with more appeal than concepts such as degrowth or postgrowth economics. Some governments are moving in a “well-being economy” direction, but are they moving far and fast enough? What are the policy actions governments must take, and how will they overcome powerful interests opposed to any economic changes that might challenge their privileges? The idea of well-being economies resonates strongly with most cultures; and therein lies its civil society activist potential.



Commentaries Published on this Paper


  • Well-Being Economics – From Slogan to Discipline?; Comment on “Can a Well-Being Economy Save Us?”

        Abstract PDF


  • Navigating Towards a Well-Being Economy: Need for a Robust Theory of Change; Comment on “Can a Well-Being Economy Save Us?”

        Abstract PDF


  • The Conditions for a Path Beyond Capitalism; Comment on “Can a Well-Being Economy Save Us?”

        Abstract PDF



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