Background The primary objective of this investigation is to scrutinize the underlying motivations that may prompt those responsible for health to adopt models of collaborative consumption (CC) as business innovation. Furthermore, the study seeks to assess the congruence of determinants influencing the intention to utilize CC in healthcare, comparing perspectives between responsible for health and digital health consumers.
Methods Two studies based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) have been conducted. Study 1 uses a qualitative approach to analyze the determinants in use CC in healthcare of responsible for health of the Italian’s National Health Service. Study 2 uses a quantitative approach to analyze a sample of healthcare consumers, their salient beliefs, digital health literacy, and perceived own health status in determining the intention to use CC in healthcare.
Results Responsible for health recognize both the benefits, like improved efficiency, and the drawbacks, such as digital illiteracy and privacy concerns. Consumer data reveals that attitudes, social norms, perceived control, and digital literacy significantly influence the intention to use CC in healthcare, with education and age being moderating factors, whereas income is not impactful.
Conclusion The research ends with a discussion of these findings and their strategic implications for managing decision support systems in healthcare. The research highlights the need for innovation-based strategies in the health system, proposing a new socio-technical health domain to improve management through a participatory approach. The approach emphasizes business innovation, service quality, and cost-efficiency. Finally, the research addresses the gaps highlighted in CC in healthcare adoption, underscoring public-private collaboration and practical strategies for sustainable success.
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