Training it Forward: The Role of Embedded Research Fellows in the Network of Scholars Program in Nova Scotia; Comment on “Early Career Outcomes of Embedded Research Fellows: An Analysis of the Health System Impact Fellowship Program”

Document Type : Commentary


Nova Scotia Health Authority, Halifax, NS, Canada


Kasaai et al describe the career trajectories of embedded scientists trained through the Health System Impact Fellowship (HSIF), showing that 37% of 2017–2019 HSIF alumni continue as embedded researchers in health systems. These findings suggest that the HSIF program effectively supports career readiness in health services and policy research (HSPR). Similarly, the Network of Scholars (NoS) program, launched post-pandemic in Nova Scotia, mirrors these results, with alumni continuing in embedded roles and mentoring a new cohort of learners from undergraduate to postgraduate levels. NoS has incorporated competencies in quality, project management, and innovation to strengthen training for embedded scientists, aligning with the mandate of the Institute of Health Services Policy and Research. Since 2021, NoS has supported over 100 learners, contributing to over 300 rapid reviews and 100 rapid evaluations addressing top health system priorities while enhancing learner competencies and advancing Nova Scotia’s Learning Health System (LHS) vision.


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