Exploring a New Model of End-of-Life Care for Older People That Operates in the Space Between the Life World and the Healthcare System: A Qualitative Case Study
Background Innovative service models to facilitate end-of-life care for older people may be required to enable and bolster networks of care. The aim of this study was to understand how and why a new charitably funded service model of end-of-life care impacts upon the lives of older people.
Methods A multiple exploratory qualitative case study research strategy. Cases were 3 sites providing a new end-oflife service model for older people. The services were provided in community settings, primarily providing support in peoples own homes. Study participants included the older people receiving the end-of-life care service, their informal carers, staff providing care within the service and other stakeholders. Data collection included individual interviews with older people and informal carers at 2 time points, focus group interviews with staff and local stakeholders, nonparticipant observation of meetings, and a final cross-case deliberative panel discussion workshop. Framework analysis facilitated analysis within and across cases.
Results Twenty-three service users and 5 informal carers participated in individual interviews across the cases. Two focus groups were held with an additional 12 participants, and 19 people attended the deliberative panel workshop. Important elements contributing to the experience and impacts of the service included organisation, where services felt they were ‘outsiders,’ the focus of the services and their flexible approach; and the impacts particularly in enriching relationships and improving mental health.
Conclusion These end-of-life care service models operated in a space between the healthcare system and the person’s life world. This meant there could be ambiguity around their services, where they occupied a liminal, but important, space. These services are potentially important to older people, but should not be overly constrained or they may lose the very flexibility that enables them to have impact.
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Dodd, S. , Preston, N. , Payne, S. and Walshe, C. (2020). Exploring a New Model of End-of-Life Care for Older People That Operates in the Space Between the Life World and the Healthcare System: A Qualitative Case Study. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9(8), 344-351. doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2019.138
Dodd, S. , , Preston, N. , , Payne, S. , and Walshe, C. . "Exploring a New Model of End-of-Life Care for Older People That Operates in the Space Between the Life World and the Healthcare System: A Qualitative Case Study", International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9, 8, 2020, 344-351. doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2019.138
Dodd, S., Preston, N., Payne, S., Walshe, C. (2020). 'Exploring a New Model of End-of-Life Care for Older People That Operates in the Space Between the Life World and the Healthcare System: A Qualitative Case Study', International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9(8), pp. 344-351. doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2019.138
S. Dodd , N. Preston , S. Payne and C. Walshe, "Exploring a New Model of End-of-Life Care for Older People That Operates in the Space Between the Life World and the Healthcare System: A Qualitative Case Study," International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9 8 (2020): 344-351, doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2019.138
Dodd, S., Preston, N., Payne, S., Walshe, C. Exploring a New Model of End-of-Life Care for Older People That Operates in the Space Between the Life World and the Healthcare System: A Qualitative Case Study. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2020; 9(8): 344-351. doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2019.138