Labonté Identifies Key Issues for Health Promoters in the New World Order; Comment on “Health Promotion in an Age of Normative Equity and Rampant Inequality”

Document Type : Commentary


School of Health Policy and Management, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada


For over 35 years Ronald Labonté has been critically analyzing the state of health promotion in Canada and the world. In 1981, he identified the shortcomings of the groundbreaking Lalonde Report by warning of the seductive appeal of so-called lifestyle approaches to health. Since then, he has left a trail of critical work identifying the barriers to — and opportunities for —health promotion work. More recently, he has shown how the rise of economic globalization and acceptance of neo-liberal ideology has come to threaten the health of those in both developed and developing nations. In his recent commentary, Labonté shows how the United Nations’ 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can offer a new direction for health promoters in these difficult times.


Main Subjects

  1. Brecht B. And I Always Thought. In: Willett J, Manheim R, Fried E. Bertolt Brecht Poems 1913-1956. New York: Methuen: 1979:452.
  2. Labonté  R.  Health  promotion  in  an  age  of  normative  equity  and  rampant  inequality. Int  J  Health  Policy  Manag. 2016.   doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2016.95
  3. Raphael D, ed. Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives. 3rd ed. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press; 2016.
  4. World Health Organisation (WHO). Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences. Geneva: WHO; 2009.
  5. Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity Through Action on the Social Determinants of Health. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2008.
  6. Popay J, Whitehead M, Hunter DJ. Injustice is killing people on a large scale—but what is to be done about it? J Public Health. 2010;32(2):148-149.