Including Both Costs and Effects – The Challenge of Using Cost-Effectiveness Data in National-Level Policy-Making: A Response to Recent Commentaries

Document Type : Correspondence


1 Division of Health Care Analysis, Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden

2 Department of Cardiology and Department of Medicine and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden

3 Division of Health Care Analysis, Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden


Main Subjects

Incorporating cost-effectiveness data in the priority-setting decisions is a distinguishing feature in the Swedish national guidelines. This differentiates the Swedish guidelines from its European and American counterparts. The broader perspective is aimed at facilitating explicit resource allocations and priority-setting in healthcare, all in accordance with the three guiding ethical principles stated in the Health and Medical Services Act.1... (Read more...)

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