Mental Health Policy Adoption as a Seminal Event: A Response to Recent Commentaries

Document Type : Correspondence


School of Public Health, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA


Main Subjects

The leadership for mental health is not commensurate with the burden of mental, neurological, and substance (MNS) use disorders nationally or internationally. This is a sentiment I share with Prof. Jenkins1 and Ms. Lee2. With that said, I would like to make two clarifications about my study and two concomitant acknowledgements about its limitations3... (Read more...)

  1. Jenkins R. Making psychiatric epidemiology useful: the contribution of epidemiology to government policy. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2001; 103: 2-14. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0447.2001.00004.x
  2. De Silva MJ, Lee L, Fuhr DC, Rathod S, Chisholm D, Schellenberg J, et al. Estimating the coverage of mental health programmes: a systematic review. Int J Epidemiol 2014; 43: 341-53. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyt191
  3. Shen GC. Cross-national diffusion of mental health policy. Int J Health Policy Manag 2014; 3: 269-82. doi: 10.15171/ ijhpm.2014.96
  4. Meyer JW, Boli J, Thomas GM, Ramirez FO. World society and the nation-state. Am J Sociol 1997; 103: 144-81. doi: 10.1086/231174
  5. Finnemore M, Sikkink K. International norm dynamics and political change. International Organization 1998; 52: 887-917. doi: 10.1162/002081898550789
  6. Mackenzie J. Global mental health from a policy perspective: a context analysis. London: Overseas Development Institute; 2014
  7. World Health Organization (WHO). Innovation in Deinstitutionalization: A WHO Expert Survey. Geneva, Switzerland: Who; 2014.
  8. World Health Organization (WHO). Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020. Geneva, Switzerland: Who; 2013.
  9. Shen GC, Snowden LR. Institutionalization of deinstitutionalization: a cross-national analysis of governance gap and mental health reform. Int J Mental Health Syst 2014; 8: 47. doi: 10.1186/1752-4458-8-47