Diffusion of Innovation in Mental Health Policy Adoption: What Should We Ask about the Quality of Policy and the Role of Stakeholders in this Process?; Comment on “Cross-National Diffusion of Mental Health Policy”

Document Type : Commentary


Centre for Global Mental Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK


In his recent study, Gordon Shen analyses a pertinent question facing the global mental health research and practice community today; that of how and why mental health policy is or is not adopted by national governments. This study identifies becoming a World Health Organization (WHO) member nation, and being in regional proximity to countries which have adopted a mental health policy as supportive of mental health policy adoption, but no support for its hypothesis that country recipients of higher levels of aid would have adopted a mental health policy due to conditionalities imposed on aid recipients by donors. Asking further questions of each may help to understand more not only about how and why mental health policies may be adopted, but also about the relevance and quality of implementation of these policies and the role of specific actors in achieving adoption and implementation of high quality mental health policies.


Main Subjects

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